Thursday, June 21, 2007


Today I am going to talk briefly about proofreading.

It is a must to check over any document you write, ALWAYS! Yio don’t want to let a silly mi steak like this to show up in you’re research paper. (You can laugh at that.)

Don’t rely on spell-check to catch everything, because it can’t think. You could use the wrong word or misspell a word, but spell-check won’t catch it if what you typed is a word.

If it is an important paper, you might want to ask someone else to glance over it. Don’t be shy! When you proofread your own work, your brain may not recognize any errors that may exist. This is because you wrote the paper, and you know what it is supposed to say. It is definitely a good idea to ask a second pair of eyes to take a look.

I’ll add here sneakily that I can proofread your work, and my pricing is negotiable. Just leave a comment with your e-mail address and I will contact you.

Okay, if you really want to proof your own work, try to leave a buffer between writing it and editing it. As I mentioned earlier, you know what you meant to say, but others reading it may not. If you put it away for a while and look at it with fresh eyes, you will be more likely to catch your mistakes. You can also try starting from the last page and read in reverse (still left to right, top to bottom, just last to first).

1 comment: said...

If you really want to proof your own work, try to leave a buffer between writing it and editing it. Or, simply read and follow their exclusive steps! Thank you for sharing!